ISWC 2009 Posters and Demonstrations

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Posters provide a venue for late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress.

Demonstrations complement posters and provide an opportunity for showcasing innovative Semantic Web related implementations and technologies.

Both are presented during the Posters and Demonstrations Reception.

See the Call for Proposals and Program Committee.

See the instructions for presenting your demo and/or poster in the Posters and Demos session.

See the conference schedule for the time and location of different sessions.

See the map of posters and demos layout with poster assignments here.

BEST POSTER AND DEMO AWARD: Understanding Justifications for Entailments in OWL - Matthew Horridge, Bijan Parsia, Ulrike Sattler

Go to the ISWC 2009 home page.

Accepted Posters and Demos

See the online archive of the accepted posters and demos here.

  • 101. A Framework for Ontologies-based User Interface Integration - Heiko Paulheim, Florian Probst
  • 107. Semantic Web Technologies to Improve Customer Service - Kerstin Denecke, Gideon Zenz, Wladimir Krasnov
  • 108. Web of Data Plumbing - Lowering the Barriers to Entry - Juergen Umbrich, Hugh Glaser, Tuukka Hastrup, Ian Millard, Michael Hausenblas
  • 109. LMI-CliCKE: The Climate Change Knowledge Engine (CliCKE) using Semantic MediaWiki - David Manzolillo, Julia Kalloz
  • 113. All About That - A URI Profiling Tool for monitoring and preserving Linked Data - Rob Vesse, Wendy Hall, Les Carr
  • 117. RKBPlatform: Opening up Services in the Web of Data - Hugh Glaser, Ian Millard
  • 118. iSMART : intelligent Semantic MedicAl Record reTrival - yuan ni, guo tong xie, Sheng ping liu , Han yu li, Jing mei, Gang hu, Hai feng liu, Xue qiao hou
  • 119. LifeLogOn: Log on to Your Lifelog Ontology! - Sangkeun Lee, Gihyun Gong, Sang-goo Lee
  • 120. Integrated Ontology Matching and Evaluation - Isabel Cruz, Flavio Palandri Antonelli, Cosmin Stroe
  • 121. Knowledge based conference video-recordings visualization - Maria Sokhn, Elena Mugellini, Omar Abou Khaled, Ahmed Serhrouchni
  • 122. OntoPipeliner: A Semantic Broker-based Manager for Pipelining Semantically-operated Services - Hanmin Jung, Seungwoo Lee, Pyung Kim, Mikyoung Lee, Beom-Jong You
  • 124. Sense Aware Searching and Exploration with MyTag - Klaas Dellschaft, Olaf Görlitz, Martin Szomszor
  • 125. CoDR: A Contextual Framework for Diagnosis and Repair - Klaas Dellschaft, Qiu Ji, Guilin Qi
  • 126. sClippy: Connecting Personal Information and Linked Open Data - Tudor Groza, Laura Dragan, Siegfried Handschuh, Stefan Decker
  • 129. STARS ヨ Semantic Tools for Screen Arts Research - Simon Price, Jasper Tredgold, Nikki Rogers, Mike Jones, Damian Steer, Angela Piccini
  • 130. Analogy Engines for the Semantic Web - Akshay Bhat
  • 133. Collaborative climate change research on the semantic web - Christian Battista, Benjamin Coe
  • 135. SIOOS: Semantically-driven Integration of Ocean Observing Systems - Mark Cameron, Jemma Wu, Kerry Taylor, David Ratcliffe, Goeffrey Squire, John Colton
  • 136. SPoX: combining reactive Semantic Web policies and Social Semantic Data to control the behaviour of Skype - Philipp Kärger, Emily Kigel, VenkatRam Yadav Jaltar
  • 137. A Proposed Diagrammatic Logic for Ontology Specification and Visualization - Ian Oliver, John Howse, Gem Stapleton, Esko Nuutila, Seppo Torma
  • 138. Understanding Justifications for Entailments in OWL - Matthew Horridge, Bijan Parsia, Ulrike Sattler
  • 139. The alpha Urban LarKC, a Semantic Urban Computing application - Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino, Daniele Dell'Aglio
  • 140. Semantic-Powered Research Profiling - Zhixiong Zhang, Ying Ding, Na Hong
  • 143. Leadsto - Collaboratively Constructing and Discovering Causal Chains - Mark Hefke, Andreas Abecker
  • 144. Autonomous RDF Replication on Mobile Devices - Bernhard Schandl, Stefan Zander
  • 145. Lifting events in RDF from interactions with annotated Web pages - Roland Stühmer, Darko Anicic, Sinan Sen, Jun Ma, Kay-Uwe Schmidt, Nenad Stojanovic
  • 146. Tripcel: Exploring RDF Graphs using the Spreadsheet Metaphor - Bernhard Schandl
  • 147. Ultrawrap: Using SQL Views for RDB2RDF - Juan Sequeda, Rudy Depena, Daniel Miranker
  • 148. Spatial and Semantic Reasoning to Recognize Ship Behavior - Willem Robert van Hage, Gerben de Vries, Véronique Malaisé, Guus Schreiber, Maarten van Someren
  • 149. Semantic Web Reasoning by Swarm Intelligence - Kathrin Dentler, Stefan Schlobach, Christophe Guéret
  • 150. Multi-faceted Tagging in TagMe! - Fabian Abel, Ricardo Kawase, Daniel Krause, Patrick Siehndel
  • 151. Composition Optimizer: A Tool for Optimizing Quality of Semantic Web Service Composition - Freddy Lecue
  • 152. Semantically Annotating RESTful Services with SWEET - Maria Maleshkova, Carlos Pedrinaci, John Domingue
  • 153. gOntt: a Tool for Scheduling Ontology Development Projects - Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Martín Vigo
  • 154. Learning to Classify Identity Web References using RDF Graphs - Matthew Rowe, Jose Iria
  • 158. Towards Soundness Preserving Approximation for TBox Reasoning in OWL 2 - Yuan Ren, Jeff Z. Pan, Yuting Zhao
  • 162. Finding Semantic Web Ontology Terms from Words - Lushan Han, Timothy Finin, Yelena Yesha
  • 163. Semantic RPC via Queries - Mohammad Reza Tazari
  • 164. Open Ontology Repository - Todd Schneider, Kenneth Baclawski
  • 168. RDA and the Open Metadata Registry - Jon Phipps, Diane Hillmann
  • 169. SaHaRa: Discovering Entity-Topic Associations in Online News - Krisztian Balog, Maarten de Rijke, Raymond Franz, Hendrike Peetz, Bart Brinkman, Ivan Johgi, Max Hirschel
  • 170. Tetherless World Mobile Wine Agent: An Application for Semantics on Mobile Devices - Evan Patton, Deborah McGuinness
  • 171. NCBO Annotator: Semantic Annotation of Biomedical Data - Clement Jonquet, Nigam H. Shah, Cherie H. Youn, Chris Callendar, Margaret-Anne Storey, Mark A Musen
  • 174. A RDF-base Normalized Model for Biomedical Lexical Grid - Cui Tao, Jyotishman Pathak, Harold R. Solbrig, Wei-Qi Wei, Christopher G. Chute
  • 175. The SILK System: Scalable and Expressive Semantic Rules - Benjamin Grosof, Mike Dean, Michael Kifer
  • 177. SensorMasher: Enabling open linked data in sensor data mashup - Danh Le Phuoc, Manfred Hauswirth
  • 182. RDF2RDFa: Turning RDF into Snippets for Copy-and-Paste - Martin Hepp, Roberto García, Andreas Radinger
  • 184. Improved Semantic Graphs with Word Sense Disambiguation - Delia Rusu, Blaz Fortuna, Dunja Mladenic
  • 186. Querying and Semantically Integrating Spreadsheet Collections with XLWrap-Server - Use Cases and Mapping Design Patterns - Andreas Langegger, Wolfram Wöß
  • 187. Demonstration: Wireless Access Network Selection Enabled by Semantic Technologies - Carolina Fortuna, Bogdan Ivan, Zoltan Padrah, Luka Bradesko, Blaz Fortuna, Mihael Mohorcic
  • 188. The Data-gov Wiki: A Semantic Web Portal for Linked Government Data - Li Ding, Dominic DiFranzo, Sarah Magidson, Deborah McGuinness, Jim Hendler
  • 190. Viewpoint Management for Multi-Perspective issues of Ontologies - Kouji Kozaki, Takeru Hirota, Hiroko Kou, Mamoru Ohta, Riichiro Mizoguchi
  • 191. GNOWSYS-mode in Emacs for collaborative construction of knowledge networks in plain text - Divya S, Alpesh Gajbe, Rajiv Nair, Ganesh Gajre, Nagarjuna G
  • 192. GoodRelations Tools and Applications - Martin Hepp, Andreas Radinger, Andreas Wechselberger, Alex Stolz, Daniel Bingel, Thomas Irmscher, Mark Mattern, Tobias Ostheim
  • 194. Integrity Constraints in OWL - JIAO TAO, Evren Sirin
  • 195. SKOS2OWL: An Online Tool for Deriving OWL and RDF-S Ontologies from SKOS Vocabularies - Martin Hepp, Andreas Radinger
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