ISWC 2009 Tutorials/Building Semantic Web Applications for Government

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Building Semantic Web Applications for Government (half day tutorial)

Monday, 26th October, 14:00- 18:00


The charter of government is to be responsive to the people. As such, government information belongs in the hands of the governed. Semantic Web technologies provide an unparalleled capability for making public data genuinely available to the general populace. Common practice in the past has been to publish data in idiosyncratic, disconnected forms. With new policies for information sharing in place, there is a wide appreciation of the need for sharable, connectable government information. This tutorial draws on information sharing projects such as the Federal Enterprise Architecture and the resources at open government web sites like to provide attendees with a taste of real semantic web applications and the promise this approach holds for open, shared government. Attendees wiwill learn the basics of the Semantic Web, as well as proven methods for accessing and combining existing information sources (e.g., spreadsheets, XML feeds and databases). Furthermore, we will use hands-on exercises to illustrate how to create applications using government information published as linked data on sites like and This tutorial will be a continuation of the Semantic Web Basics tutorial.

Content and Schedule

This half-day tutorial will include lectures and exercises on the following topics:

  • Integrating existing data – spreadsheets and databases, RSS, Email, XML (half hour)
  • Introduction to government semantic resources, probably including FEA and OEGOV(one hour)
  • Hands-on exercise: Creating a simple integrated application


  • Dean Allemang, TopQuadrant, Inc.

Further Information

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