ISWC 2009 Posters and Demonstrations/Call for Proposals

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ISWC 2009 will hold combined poster and demonstration sessions. The Poster/Demo Session is an opportunity for presenting late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. Posters and demos are intended to provide authors and participants with the ability to connect with each other and to engage in discussions about the work. Technical posters, reports on Semantic Web software systems, descriptions of completed work, and work in progress are all welcome. Demonstrations are intended to showcase innovative Semantic Web related implementations and technologies.



Authors must submit a two-page paper with a short abstract for evaluation. The abstract must clearly demonstrate relevance to the Semantic Web. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the programme committee. Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to the Semantic Web, originality, potential significance, topicality and clarity.

A detailed list of suggested topics can be found in the calls for papers both for the Research Track and for the Semantic Web In Use track. Posters and demos are intended to convey a scientific result or work in progress and are not intended as advertisements for software packages.

Authors submitting a full paper to another track in ISWC 2009 may also submit the same work for consideration in the Demo/Poster track, either before or after result notification for the full paper. For example, a demo can be provided for an accepted paper, or a poster can be used to present work that was insufficiently mature for the other tracks.

For demo submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to include in their submission a link to where the demo (live or recorded video) can be found.

At least one of the Poster/Demo authors must be a registered participant at the conference, and attend the Poster/Demo Session to present the work. The abstracts for all accepted posters and demos will be given to all conference attendees and published on the conference web site. They will not be included in the formal proceedings.

Poster and demo paper submissions should be formatted in the style of the ACM format. Please remove the ACM copyright box from the first page of your submission. Poster/Demo papers must be submitted in PDF format, and no other format will be accepted. Poster/Demo papers that exceed the page limit could be rejected without review.

Please note that metadata about all successful submissions will be included in the conference metadata corpus and made publicly available at Detailed information will be provided with the acceptance notification.

Submissions can now be made at the ISWC 2009 submission page.

Important Dates - Posters & Demonstrations

  • August 7, 2009: Deadline for submissions (23:59 pm Hawaiian time (GMT-10))
  • August 24 , 2009: Notification of acceptance
  • September 8, 2009: Camera ready abstracts due

Further Information

For further information and for any questions regarding the event or submissions, please contact the Posters and Demonstrations co-chairs.

Organising Chairs

Program Committee

  • Mathieu d'Aquin - KMI, Open University, UK
  • Sören Auer - University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Eva Blomqvist - Linköping University, Sweeden
  • Sebastian Brandt - University of Manchester, UK
  • Paul Buitelaar - DFKI, Germany
  • Gong Cheng - Southeast University, China
  • Gianluca Correndo - University of Southampton, UK
  • Isabel Cruz - University of Illinois, USA
  • Philippe Cudre-Mauroux - MIT, USA
  • Danica Damljanovic - University of Sheffield , UK
  • Klaas Dellschaft - University of Koblenz, Germany
  • Ying Ding - Indiana University, USA
  • Leigh Dodds - Talis, UK
  • Martin Dzbor - KMI, Open University, UK
  • Hugh Glaser - University of Southampton, UK
  • Tudor Groza - DERI Galway, Ireland
  • Olaf Görlitz - University of Koblenz, Germany
  • Michael Hausenblas - DERI Galway, Ireland
  • Conor Hayes - NUIG, Ireland
  • Masahiro Hori - Kansai University, Japan
  • Matthew Horridge - Manchester University, UK
  • Andreas Hotho - University of Kassel, Germany
  • Trung Dong Huynh - University of Southampton, UK
  • Luigi Iannone - University of Manchester, UK
  • Mustafa Jarrar - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Holger Lewen - AIFB, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Alexander Löser - Technical University of Berlin, Germany
  • Areti Manataki - University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Diana Manyard - University of Sheffield, UK
  • Ian Millard - University of Southampton, UK
  • Dilvan Moreira - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Knud Möller - NUIG, Galway
  • Natasha Noy - Stanford University, USA
  • Martin O'Connor - Stanford University, USA
  • Jeff Z. Pan - University of Aberdeen
  • Alexandre Passant - DERI Galway, Ireland
  • Sofia Pinto - Technical University of Lisbon
  • Valentina Presutti - ISTC-CNR, Italy
  • Yves Raimond - BBC, UK
  • Marco Rospocher - IRS Trento, Italy
  • Alan Ruttenberg - Science Commons, USA
  • Marta Sabou - KMI, Open University, UK
  • Horacio Saggion - University of Sheffield , UK
  • Elena Simperl - STI, Innsbruck
  • Patrick Sinclair - BBC, UK
  • Nenad Stojanovic - University of Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Martin Szomszor - University of Southampton, UK
  • Mischa Tuffield - Garlik, UK
  • Denny Vrandecic - University of Karlsruhe, Germany